3 tips to help you and your baby enjoy tummy time

Parents, does your baby struggle with tummy time? Not all littles are born with a love for tummy time. But there’s always a way we can modify it so they can enjoy and thrive in the position.

I find many parents are stuck with the image of tummy time flat on the floor but in real life it often may look different. Tummy time looks different at each age and stage of your little’s development. It’s hard for tummy time to be successful if you are focusing on the wrong stage.

Below are the milestones of tummy time and what each stage should look like along with my suggestions for modifying it to make tummy time more enjoyable for you and your little one!

Tummy Time Timeline

  • Newborn: Baby can do tummy time on your chest or a flat firm surface with their head to one side and may even fall asleep in the position (must be supervised!).

  • 1 month: Your baby can momentarily lift up their head.

  • 2 months: Your baby can lift their head 45 degrees with their elbows out to their sides.

  • 3 months: Your baby can lift their head to 90 degrees and may be able to roll over.

  • 4 months: Your baby should be able to lift their chest off the ground and elbows are under their shoulders.

  • 5 months: Your baby begins to push both arms straight. They can even start scooting backwards.

  • 6 months: Your baby pushes up straight on arms with their hands under their shoulders. They may start reaching for toys or lifting their arms and legs to look like they’re swimming.

  • 7 months: Your baby begins to push up on hands and knees. They can be rocking back and forth (a pre-crawling sign). Belly or army crawling is common at this age.

  • 8 months: Your baby is able to transition from hands and knees to sitting! They should be able to reach for toys while on their hands and knees.

  • 9 months: Your baby should be crawling!

Here are 3 tips for modifying tummy time to make it more enjoyable for you and your little:

  • Tip 1: Try putting them on a sofa or chair and sitting on the floor in front of them while supporting their arms if needed

  • Tip 2: If you have an exercise ball, use a soft blanket over it and place them on the ball while holding them steady. You can even bounce very gently to help soothe them.

  • Tip 3: Use your lap! Tummy time across your legs can help your baby feel close to you while still getting all the benefits.

Before you know it they’ll be tummy time rock stars – pushing up on straight arms and grinning for the camera!

Reminder: if tummy time with your little doesn’t look normal or if you are concerned, book a discovery call or virtual tummy time consultation with me!

Not sure if your baby is struggling and need more information about the tummy time basics? Get the tummy time basics guide.

Check out my Instagram for more tips and tricks to modify tummy time and help your baby tolerate it!


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