Baby Containers: Advice and Recommendations from a Pediatric Physical Therapist

If you checked out my last blog on “YES” Spaces (read it here) you know I’m a huge fan! They provide your baby a safe space to play while mom and dad can make dinner or fold some laundry. As a pediatric physical therapist, my first recommendation when putting baby down is always the floor. This is where baby learns and develops the necessary strength and movements for milestones to come. However, I completely understand that sometimes we need to use a container. The use of baby containers is OK when used in moderation and are developmentally appropriate.

If you need to use a baby container, here are my recommendations:

  • Limit container use to 15 mins at a time, ideally no more than 2 hours total per day (this includes car seat, stroller and high chair time)

  • Make sure the container you choose is developmentally appropriate for your child (and READ the manual for height and weight limits!)

  • Containers are a convenience tool for you as a parent, NOT something that will help progress their development

  • If your floor is unsafe due to pets or siblings, utilize a pack n play, Fisher Price dome, play pen, or baby gates to create a safe space

For more on baby containers and why I typically recommend avoiding them, check out my Instagram posts below! 

For even more on container alternatives, check out what I recommend on Amazon!

At the end of the day, please remember to give yourself grace. It’s all about balance and you are doing an amazing job!

There will be days when you use containers more than you want to and that’s ok! Tomorrow’s a new day ❤️

Check out the video below for even more on my thoughts regarding containers and yes spaces!


Holiday Gift Guide 0-6 Months


“YES” Space