Pediatric Chiropractic: So Meant To Be... It Rhymes

Why would a kiddo need to see a chiro? Well, we’re glad you asked! Here’s a list of the most common concerns that we see littles for in our office:

  • Torticollis

  • Colic

  • Reflux

  • Feeding Concerns

  • Pre and Post Tie Revision

  • Turning Preference

  • Constipation/ Gassiness

  • Difficulty Sleeping

  • Reflux

  • Difficult birth/dystocia

What does a chiropractic visit look like?

For the Newbies:
They will very commonly sleep through their adjustment, wiggle a little or smile. We always joke that if we’re doing our jobs correctly, it looks like we’re doing nothing at all. Our goal is to relieve tension within their little bodies and the way to do that is through gentle pressures. An added bonus, though never guaranteed, is that pediatric adjustments can be so relaxing that it’s not uncommon for littles to leave the oce and have a large bowel movement or take a long nap!

For the Toddlers:
If your little is a bit bigger and motoring around on their own, we will very commonly work on them while they play and move around. Again, using small pressures or sometimes a little tool called an Activator to achieve the motion they are lacking in restricted areas.

Check out what a kiddo’s adjustment looks like -here-

What to Expect From The Visit:

What sets us apart from other offices is not only our level of pediatric training, but also the time spent with patients. We walk parents through each and every step of our treatment, explaining what we are doing and how it can help. Parents should expect their first appointment to be around 45 minutes and follow ups to be around 15-30 minutes. However, your visit doesn't end there. Almost every patient will leave with something to do at home and it is no different for our littles! We will typically send parents home with stretches, massage techniques or activities to do in hopes of speeding up the process and seeing results sooner.

Hey there! We are Well Spine Family Chiropractic and we are a family centered Chiro oce in Boulder, CO. We treat the typical musculoskeletal disorders and ALL ages, but what we REALLY, REALLY love working with are the prenatal, postpartum and pediatric populations!

A quick history- Between the two of us Chiros we have Doctorates, a Masters in Sports Rehabilitation, the highly regarded International Pediatric Chiropractic Association Certification and over 16 years combined experience. All fancy stu for saying... You can trust us!

Get to know us better (we’re worth it, we promise :P) by following us on Instagram or check out our Website for more info and upcoming free Guides!


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