You’re the Expert

A parent’s instinct. There really is nothing like it. Only YOU know from the type of coo, laugh, whine or cry what kind of mood your baby is in. It’s how they communicate and how you spend the early days getting to know each other. Whether they are tired or teething, in pain or scared, have a full tummy or need more, you’re the expert on what your baby is saying.

Medical providers are your back up. Something seems off, the next step would be to ask for help.

But….. Have you ever had that feeling? That a provider brushed off your concerns? That they weren’t truly *listening* to you? That they rushed through the appointment? That their recommendations didn’t align with your values and priorities for your child? Here’s a little nudge from me to you…listen to that voice inside and remember that YOU are the expert on your child.

**I recognize that it is absolutely a privilege to have the time, money, support and resources to seek out second opinions and specialists and that our medical systems in this country don’t allow providers to practice in the ways they might want to.


Tummy Time and Baby Wearing


Mom Shaming