Babies Aren’t Lazy

Have you ever been told your baby is lazy? 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

Babies aren’t lazy. End of story.

Babies are hard wired to want to move! If your little one seems stuck, or is struggling to move it is NOT because they are lazy! It IS true some children are more motivated by movement than others. But I promise they all have the drive to explore and learn (and they do that through movement!).

There are a few things you can do to help your little one move. 

  1. Prioritize floor time. Build it into your routine and create multiple safe floor spaces in your home (and outside!) for your baby to explore. 

  2. Instead of always picking your child up when they are frustrated in a position, instead show them how to transition out of the position on their own. Then if they are still upset, you can pick them up. This starts to build the understanding and motor planning skills for baby to begin learning to do those transitions on their own. 

  3. Introduce toys that move! Rolling toys can be great motivators for movement. 

If your baby still seems to be struggling after working on these activities, reach out to a local Pediatric PT. My job as a PT is to be a detective to find the specific barriers that are holding your child back from their full optimal movement potential. Then we work on releasing those blocks so your child can THRIVE!


Get Baby Walking!!


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