Get Baby Walking!!

Have a new walker??? Or soon to be?!

On average, babies start to walk anywhere between 10-18 months old. But, did you know, your baby actually starts strengthening their muscles from walking as a newborn?? Talk about a process! babies don’t just get up one day and start toddling around on two feet. There is a progression, and the timeline can look different for every baby. While the timelines may be unique, milestones typically progress in a linear manner, starting with tummy time for your newborn, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and then walking. 

To further break down the standing and walking milestones, babies typically:

  • Pull themselves up on low furniture

  • Pull to stand at higher surfaces and then flat surfaces like a wall or cabinet

  • Cruise side to side along furniture

  • Cruise between two pieces of furniture that are close together

  • Stand for a moment not holding onto anything

  • Walk with support (holding hands or pushing something around)

  • Take a few steps 

  • Push themselves up to standing in the middle of the floor without using furniture 

  • Walk consistently without help

There’s a mental development aspect to it as well. Have you noticed your baby has been making some more daring moves? Climbing on furniture and trying to stand, while terrifying for mom and dad, is actually a great sign baby is getting ready to walk! It won’t be long before you’re trying to keep up with your active toddler!

Check out this link to see video of the progression in action!

What did your baby’s walking progression look like? 

If your baby is not showing signs of getting close to walking by 16 months, consider reaching out to your pediatrician or local pediatric physical therapist.  

Want more expert tips and tricks to get your baby walking? Check out my walking course here!


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