Does Your Baby Know How to Get Down Safely???

Is your little one newly on the move? 👶🏼 As a parent, you’re probably concerned that your new mover and shaker will fall. While falling (safely) is a part of learning for little ones, there are ways to teach your baby how to get down safely from both furniture and stairs. This is an extremely important skill, and there are some fun tips and tricks to share to help keep them safe! 

The number 1 thing to teach your child is to go down BACKWARDS. This is the safest way to get down safely. No matter where the baby is, teach them to turn around and scoot down on their belly feet first. 

This is a skill that takes a lot of repetition to master, so start early! As soon as your child is sitting proficiently and beginning to show interest in crawling you can show them how to get down safely.

Here’s the bonus, I have worked with Communication Junction to bring awareness to signs to help baby learn this important skill. Do you already use sign language with your baby? Baby signing can be a very useful and important skill to encourage early communication with your little one. Not only can your baby let you know when they are “hungry” or “thirsty”, or want “more” or “all done,” you can also use it to teach them important safety rules. As with anything with littles, repetition is key. Using the same signs and words each time you help them down will help your child become familiar with what to do.

Check out this VIDEO to see the signing in action!

Learn more from Communication Junction here:


Signs of Tension in Infants


Get Baby Walking!!