Progress Through Play

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Best Time To Start Physical Therapy To Improve Baby's Head Shape

Normal infant head shape

As a pediatric physical therapist, one of the most common questions I get from parents is – “when should we begin physical therapy treatment to improve baby's head shape?” Today, I'll tell you what to consider and outline the trajectory of each stage.

If you notice your infant’s head shape appears to be flat:

  • The ideal time to begin physical therapy to improve your baby’s head shape without a helmet is between 0-2 Months or as soon as you notice any flattening of the head.

  • In many cases we can still round out and treat the head with physical therapy between 3-5 months but there are many variables at play that can affect the success rate of flat head correction during this stage.

  • After 5-6 months of age, moderate and severe head flattening can be treated with helmet therapy if the parents so choose.

Takeaway: If a head shape concern presents itself, start physical therapy for your infant as soon as you notice any flattening. Before the 2 month mark is the best time to intervene with physical therapy for optimal results without a helmet.

I hope that this article was helpful. If you are looking to improve your baby's head shape, seek out a physical therapy evaluation early and talk to your pediatrician for more resources in your area.

Schedule a virtual consultation with me today!

Want to learn more? Check out my 40 page comprehensive E-book all about head shape!.

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