Mom Shaming
Believe it or not, mom shaming happens ALL. THE. TIME. And it needs to stop.
Moms feel enough pressure and guilt as it is. There’s so much we feel like we get judged on. Are my kids eating enough? Are they getting enough sleep? Is she safe enough in this car seat? Is he having a good day at school? The list is never ending…
If you’re anything like me, my worries were multiplied when I was a new parent.
*Did you know* - 46% of babies experience some degree of head flattening???
Myths and Misinformation about Torticollis
Has your baby been given a torticollis diagnosis? Check out these MYTHS v. FACTS!
Myth: If your baby has torticollis/flat head don’t ever put them down on the floor. You should hold them in the baby carrier all day.
FACT: Allowing them to stretch and move on the floor is helpful and starting physical therapy EARLIER gives more optimal results.
Myth: Their head will just round itself out completely once they’re sitting up. No need to do anything.
Why Barefoot is Best for Pre-walking and Walking Babies
Myth: Babies need shoes on when they are learning to walk
Fact: Barefoot is best for babies who are learning to stand and walk
Ditch the shoes and allow your child to use their feet to learn to stand and walk! For typically developing children it’s not necessary to utilize shoes unless the child needs protection from the elements outdoors.
Baby Gear to Avoid and Alternative Safe Swaps for Best Development in your Baby
From a developmental standpoint, not all containers are created equally and there are a couple that I really can’t get on board with, jumpers being one of them. This includes doorway jumpers, jolly jumpers and the exersaucers that have bungee cords that allow for bouncing.
Oral Ties: 5 common signs every new parent should look for
Keep in mind, not all tongue ties need to be released. The key is to have your baby’s oral function assessed. Remember that oral ties can affect more than just feeding and the functioning of your baby’s entire body should be addressed.
3 tips to help you and your baby enjoy tummy time
Parents, does your baby struggle with tummy time? Not all littles are born with a love for tummy time. But there’s always a way we can modify it so they can enjoy and thrive in the position.
Best Time To Start Physical Therapy To Improve Baby's Head Shape
As a pediatric physical therapist, one of the most common questions I get from parents is – “when should we begin physical therapy treatment to improve baby's head shape?” Today, I'll tell you what to consider and outline the trajectory of each stage.