Support Before and After Tongue Tie Release
It is important to work with providers who can look holistically at the functioning of your child’s whole body to optimize the results of their tongue tie release.
Head Flattening
I see a lot of misinformation floating around social media and even shaming parents for their baby having a flat head.
How to Build Floor Time Into Your Baby’s Routine
Playtime with our baby’s is so special! We laugh, watch them grow and have excellent bonding moments. Sometimes though, we need a little bit of time for ourself!
Want to know the key to getting those precious 20 minutes of independent play so you can actually reply to some emails, do a load of laundry, or pee in peace?!
🔑Start your baby’s floor time routine EARLY.
Spring/Summer Shoe Guide
Summer is the season of being outdoors! Kids of all ages love to run and play whether they are at camp, in their own backyard, at the beach or jumping in rain puddles! Weather can be unpredictable in the summer too, so it’s important to protect their little feet from the elements.
Tummy Time Faves From Ten Little
As a pediatric physical therapist, one thing I always remind families is that tummy time should be fun and engaging and not a dreaded chore.
A Full Body Experience…
Feeding time is meant to be a bonding experience for baby and parent. Whether breastfeeding or bottle, the last thing you want for your baby is for their feeding to be a struggle that leads to you both feeling frustrated.
Crawling Patterns
As parents, there are so many exciting milestones we look forward to with our babies!
Did you know, babies can communicate through the way they move?
Tummy Time and Baby Wearing
Do you LOVE baby wearing?! It’s such a good way to get some snuggles while also being productive. It has benefits for baby too - such as bonding and regulation. But please remember, it doesn’t replace tummy time!
You’re the Expert
A parent’s instinct. There really is nothing like it. Only YOU know from the type of coo, laugh, whine or cry what kind of mood your baby is in. It’s how they communicate and how you spend the early days getting to know each other. Whether they are tired or teething, in pain or scared, have a full tummy or need more, you’re the expert on what your baby is saying.